Tuesday, September 29, 2009


....does it seem that the week before a vacation week is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long? It's only Tuesday, for heaven's sake.

It's not like we're going out of town or anything. Well, at least not until the end of next week, when Katydid and I will travel south for Georgia BikeFest. We are officially OVER sleeping in a tent, however, and will have a television for watching football, a hot shower, and comfortable beds.

Hubby and I won't even get to try out the motorhome THAT WE'RE GOING TO PICK UP ON SATURDAY WOO HOO!!!!! because he had his last vacation of the year last week. Actually, it's his last vacation EVER. The next time he doesn't have to go to work, it will be because he has retired.

I'm just ready for a break.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Enjoy your break!

I have a theory: I think teachers are more ready for a break than the students. I also think the teachers start going a bit stir crazy and it rubs off on the kids, making them crazier than normal. But we blame them. I think it's backwards. hey, I'm just sayin'!

Have a super trip with katydid!