Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another Milestone.......

I reached another milestone last night without even realizing. I posted my 400th blog post. And only about 363.5 of them have been drivel. I'm on a roll!

I intended to link some of my favorite posts in honor of this momentous occasion, but it's too time-consuming, and I've already been up past my bedtime two out of two nights this week. Instead I have some rather important decisions to make.

  • Whether to start over crocheting an afghan for hubby or make something I really want to. I hate the colors and I hate the pattern and I've already screwed it up one time, but I don't want it to win.
  • Whether to read Beautiful Boy or Tweak first.
  • Whether to go with VT and Rozmo on the double century bicycle ride in three weeks. Surely twenty-one days of training is enough?
  • Whether to iron something to wear tomorrow or pick something out that doesn't have to be ironed.
  • Whether to ride the motorcycle to school or the gas guzzler.
  • Whether to continue this post or


susan said...

Decisions, decisions. I feel you on the bedtime thing. I've been up past my bedtime every night since last Thursday.

Also, the good thing about subbing is that I usually go to a different school every day so I've worn the same pants the past three days. They were dress pants at least. :)

Maggie said...

Congrats on 400 posts! That rocks!

Don't iron. If there's a choice, I always say "don't iron."