Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sisters' Saturday......

Today's Sisters' Saturday was originally scheduled to be held at my house. We were going to work on the blasted family scrapbook, have lunch at the Mexican place that recently opened just down the street from our house, and then sit by the pool with margaritas.

The pool is open but not warm enough to swim yet, Hubby and I ate at the Mexican place last night, and Nurse Jane doesn't do well in the sun and heat.

Besides, I didn't want to clean the bathroom.

We decided instead to turn it into a shopping trip. I needed clothes for our upcoming cruise, Katydid and I wanted (but definitely did not NEED) some new cycling sandals, and I wanted to shop for a mountain bike.

After the amount of money I spent on clothes, however, I decided that my yard-sale mountain bike will do nicely, and taking it to the bike shop to be tweaked is a lot less expensive than buying a new one. I don't ride a mountain bike very often anyway; I just want to have one that I can take on the motorhome and ride around wherever we happen to be camping. That doesn't really justify spending a couple hundred dollars on a mountain bike. If I'm going to spend a lot on a new bike, it will be a road bike, because my current one is six years old. And while yellow is definitely my favorite color, my next bike will NOT be yellow, because it shows bike grease and dirt too easily. And then Rozmo scolds me about not cleaning my bike.

We ate, we shopped, we laughed.

Just what Sisters' Saturdays are meant to be.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend a Saturday!