Friday, May 28, 2010

Now THAT'S Customer Service.....

Because I am always ready to complain anytime I don't get the kind of service I think I deserve, it's only right that I should give credit where credit is due when customer service goes above and beyond my expectations.

In typical fashion (that's my phrase of the week, evidently), last week I went on a flurry of buying in anticipation of BRAG. I know for a solid year the exact dates of BRAG, yet I wait until the last minute to buy things that I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NEED for the week-long bicycle ride.

It's how I roll.

I needed a couple additional pairs of cycling shorts, so I ordered them online, probably Monday. I knew they had plenty of time to get here.

They were waiting on the front porch for me when we got home from the lake on Thursday.

Because it was too logical to order a new GPS in the same order from the exact same company, I ordered it on Tuesday morning before we left for the lake.

It was also waiting on the front porch when we got home from the lake on Thursday. It was delivered Wednesday.

I opened the package with the shorts in it as soon as we got home, and I knew immediately they wouldn't do. I had made the mistake of ordering "tri shorts," which have a shorter inseam than I like, AND they advertise "minimalist padding." I need "maximalist padding" for a week-long bicycle ride, thank you very much.

I packaged them back up and returned them, then I came home and ordered some replacements. They were much more expensive (too much for me to put here, because then the ridiculous amount of money I spent will be all too real) than the original ones, but they had a much longer inseam and had sufficient padding. Well, not sufficient for this derriere, but the most they offer.

The shorts were waiting on the porch for me today when I returned from getting my pedicure.

I'm talking they were delivered less than 24 hours after I ordered them online. No, I didn't pay for expedited shipping. In fact, shipping was **free** because I am a member of the online buying club.

Is that awesome or what?

I love good customer service.


Julie said...

But you didn't mention the great service providers by name. You're not going to get any outstanding customer discounts that way!

The girl said...

ahem, what kind of GPS did ya get?