Friday, June 8, 2012

BRAG Day 6......

Another jam-packed day that I won't have enough time to cover with any coherence. The ride from home added 4 miles to an already brutal route, and then Rozmo thought we should do the Hammerhead Route since it was ONLY an additional 5 miles. It turned out to be a disappointment for anything other than additional miles. It led to a facility where they offer zipline ... things? ... but since I was leaving BRAG today, I knew I wouldn't have time to do it. I fully intend to take Hubby back up there (perhaps on our motorcycles) and do the zipline thingie. Today it was straight up (of COURSE it was up) a gravel road, and I don't do gravel and I was tired of ups.

Katydid picked me up in my car (sans snake, we hope), and we drove 5 MORE hours to the location of our family reunion.

I love doing BRAG, but I'm glad this one is over. They are talking about a flat BRAG in South Georgia next year, and I say bring it on, gnats and heat and all.

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