Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I love being spontaneous...I mean, when it works out. And it doesn't always.

Yesterday I had Hubby take me and my bike to school so I could enjoy the beautiful warm weather. I'm trying to ride at least two or three afternoons a week, plus whatever organized rides we have on the weekends. I mean, the ones held in the towns I actually DRIVE to. Whatever.

After I got to school yesterday, Hubby texted me that he would be playing golf (surprise, surprise) at a different course from his usual one. It's one of those I should NEVER go to because it's surrounded by beautiful homes and I can't stop drooling over them. It is, however, a very decent bike ride from home OR school, with some new scenery.

I hinted (not so subtly) that I could ride there and be there about the time he finished golfing, if only he didn't have that brand new car that he won't even let GUS ride in, much less my greasy bike. For once he took the hint and said he would be happy to drive the truck.

I used the computer to map out a route, but naturally not a DIRECT one. That would have been way too short and would have involved way too much traffic.

It has suddenly occurred to me that even though I have been altering my routes home (and in this case created a brand new one to a location I rarely go to), they have all started to look alike on the map. This one goes from my school to the Providence Club.

There was only one glitch with this route, and it turned out to be a minor one. Creating routes on a computer is always a risky business, and I was aware of that as I mapped out this one. I wanted to stay off a fairly busy road on which people tend to drive like it's a speedway, so I used some different roads I had never been on before. One of them turned out to be sort of gravel, sort of dirt, sort of potholes for about a mile. There was one adrenaline-inducing downhill that would have been wonderful on a PAVED road, but left me white-knuckled and squeezing the brake levers with everything I had.

Other than that, it was a perfect ride. Very rural, beautiful scenery, and a total of 18 miles. I told Hubby he needs to play golf there more often.

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