Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Facebook 'Em, Dano.....

I resisted the Facebook craze for a long time. I was a Facebook snob, thinking those people were just narcissistic (thanks for the word, Katydid!) or full of themselves or something.

Then I kept hearing people talk about their Facebook pages and seeing things on Facebook and I felt left out, so I joined.

But I really couldn't see what the big deal was. I'd forget to check it, and when I did check it, I usually learned that some people have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands. Is it really important how many crops someone has on Farmville? Or how many causes someone else has and sends annoying messages to join? I don't join ANYTHING, even if I believe in it.

Some posts are written by people who I KNOW are at work at the time, and hello? Is that really what you're supposed to be doing on company time? In addition, some of those posts border on unprofessional. Would some of these people really want their bosses to read about their social lives? Written on a company computer during company hours? Hmmmm.....

Then of course there is the whole issue about the teacher in our county who was asked to resign (her story, of course) because she posted pictures of herself holding a glass of wine during a trip to Europe in the summer. Boy, that's a lot of prepositional phrases strung together.

It's not that I've ever had to worry about posting anything inappropriate on Facebook. Hell, I don't DO anything inappropriate. I just don't do much of anything that I think most people out there give a rip about. I'm already committed to my blog, and that's about all the daily requirements I can handle.

It also occurred to me that if I am really, really, really close to someone, I already know what is going on in his/her life without checking the internet. If I have to see a Facebook post to know what is up with you, we're probably not that close anyway. If I'm NOT that close to you, I'm also probably not interested in the fact that you just ran into your ex-girlfriend's mother's cousin's boyfriend's lover. Or the fact that your in-laws are coming into town. Or that you just cleaned your apartment. Or that you wish stupid people would stay out of your way.

So I have deactivated my Facebook account. I don't think anyone will miss me.

Don't even get me started on Twitter.....


Maggie said...

Thank you thank you thank you!

And what the hell is Farmville? Wait, I don't even want to know...

Anonymous said...

You deactivated!?