Saturday, January 2, 2010

What If I Don't Know?..........

I wish some places wouldn't be so cutesy with the labels on their restroom doors. Really, people, by the time I have to go, I really don't have time to figure out which one I am. "Men" and "Women" I understand. Although when I was first learning to read, I thought "Women" meant "Whoa Men," as in "Men don't come in here....whoa." That made a lot more sense to me than the way the word is actually pronounced.

We went to our favorite Aussie-themed restaurant tonight because Hubby needed his fix. Their restroom doors are labeled "Sheilas" and "Blokes." What if I had NEVER seen the Crocadile Dundee movie and didn't know if I were a sheila or a bloke? They do have the little diagram on the door as well, but it always takes me a minute to figure out if the little stick figure is wearing a dress or not. And besides, who wears dresses anymore?

Some of them are more obvious, and I don't have as much trouble with them. In an establishment where the doors were labeled "Hens" and "Roosters" once, I didn't hesitate. That one made sense.

In another "classy" place, however, I had to think about it for a minute. I didn't know for sure if I were a "Pointer" or a "Setter." Don't laugh at me! I realized immediately that I didn't have anything with which to point, but my literal nature gave me pause. I reasoned that both setters AND pointers can be EITHER male OR female, and I confused myself. Finally I peeked in both doors and picked the one that smelled the best. And where the seat wasn't up.

Perhaps the most cruel bathroom door trick ever, though, wasn't the label itself so much as it was the placement. I had drunk a couple of beers (one is usually my limit) and went to the ladies' room. The door was clearly labeled "Ladies" or "Women," whichever was appropriate. On the way OUT, however, the INSIDE of the door had a sign on it that said "Men." It was just enough to make me stop in horror and wonder if I had used the wrong restroom. Can you imagine what it must have done to a REAL drunk? I noticed the last time I was there it was no longer labeled that way. I hope I didn't imagine the whole thing. I swear it was only two beers.....

Foolishly, I just turned to Hubby for assistance on this blog topic. I asked if he had any other examples of restroom door labeling that I could include.

He said "Sticks" and "Splits."

I think he made that up.


Maggie said...

I hope he was making that up.....

A said...

Unfortunately, he's not making it up. I've seen that one too!

Evil Pixie said...

I do have to say, the "pointer" and "setter" one really cracked me up.