Thursday, February 24, 2011

Proclamation of Spring......

WHEREAS, As of February 24, 2011, we the people of Georgia have had way more than our share of snow this year; and

WHEREAS, no supreme being in his or her right mind would intend for Southern-born folks to endure the hardships brought on by cold weather; and

WHEREAS, the temperature in our town approached the 70-degree mark AGAIN today; and

WHEREAS, I wore these shoes to school today, and everybody knows you don't wear white before Easter;


WHEREAS, I also wore these pants, and ditto on the white;


WHEREAS, I also wore a top that has short sleeves (picture removed because I didn't like it);


WHEREAS, it is most appropriate that we call a stop to this foolishness that we call winter; and

WHEREAS, those of us who have an interest in riding our bicycles and/or motorcycles would like to shake the cobwebs off the aforementioned; and

WHEREAS, we are tired of being cooped up inside with germy children and grown-ups alike;

NOW, THEREFORE, I BRAGGER, OF NO PARTICULAR IMPORTANCE WHATSOEVER, do hereby proclaim that from this day forward, spring has sprung.


Kelly said...

I think that rule only applies to dress shoes.

I've enjoyed these warmer days (though it is supposed to be cooler tomorrow now that the storms have passed through).

A said...

Can you please come up to Indiana and make a proclamation? We just got hit with another 6-8 inches of snow last night and my kids school is cancelled for the 13th time!

Maggie said...

I'd like for you to come to where I live and give this same proclamation, only we have so much snow right now, I don't think you could get to me.

And as long as your shoes match your purse, who cares about color?