Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back to the Real World....

The worst thing about having an entire week off from school (other than the fact that two of those were furlough days, which will be deducted from my paycheck, thank you very much), of course, is the return to reality after all those luxurious mornings of not having to hear an alarm clock. We aren't terribly late sleepers; I was amazed to look at the clock upon waking this morning and seeing it was 7:30. That's darn near lunch time! Still, it's nice to sleep as long as we want without a screaming alarm jolting us out of our weird dreams at 5:00 AM.

And on top of having to go back to school, the weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse this week. I know I shouldn't complain, since it IS late November and we've had temperatures in the 70's the past couple of days. I've tried to take advantage of the nice temperatures and ride my bike, since I don't know how many more days of decent riding weather we will have. I went out for a brief 14-mile ride after the UGA-Tech game yesterday (How 'Bout Them Dawgs!), and today I rode just under 25. Those may be my last rides in November, and last year we had an AWFUL December for bicycle riding.

I'm not sure exactly where I was going with this blog post. I'm not really whining about having to go back to school, since as my mother said so pointedly on Thanksgiving when I was lamenting our furlough days, I should be thankful just to have a job. And I'm trying not to spend a lot of time and energy whining about the impending cold weather, since there's not a whole lot I can do about it. Other than move to Jamaica, which Hubby for some strange reason won't consider. I'm sure they have golf there.

1 comment:

DJan said...

When I was working, it was always hard to get back on the job horse and even be expected to be happy about it. Back to the real world, you say? I'm not sure WHICH is the reality and which is the illusion...