Monday, April 26, 2010

Not What I Wanted to Write.....

I had the best blog post planned for tonight. It was a string of text messages between Hubby and me during the four days I was gone last week. Nothing bad, not even R-rated, just funny.

But I don't know when to keep my mouth shut. When I stopped for the third time to comment on something he had texted to me, he said, "What are you doing?"

Stupid me. I told the truth.

"I'm putting our text messages in my blog."

"That's stupid," he said. "You don't need to be telling everything I write to you."

And I realized he was right. It really was an invasion of his privacy to repeat everything we had exchanged by text message, even if it WAS (mostly) innocent. I'm not sure I understand what the big deal is. If I had been with my sisters, I probably would have read every single message to them, especially the funny ones. I read most of them to Sweet Girl. But he has a right not to have everything he writes to me published on the internet. He may never send me another text message.

Is there a rule about sharing text messages? Has Emily Post addressed this issue?

So I told him I would not put our messages in my blog, and I put my phone away. Darn it, I was almost finished.

I saved them in a draft. I didn't say "Never."


Maggie said...

If sharing conversations whether in text or from real life is against some Emily Post/ Amy Vanderbelt rules, then I am in serious trouble.

Now my curiosity is killing the proverbial cat, and would love to hear what he wrote!

frogger_blogger said...

And now you know why I no longer blog!